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Family-Friendly Amenities You Should Have In Your Apartment Community

Family-Friendly Amenities - Milbrook Properties - Apartments In NYC

Around 33% of families renting in our country have a minor in their family. Hence, if you are a real estate developer, then we believe you should make providing family-friendly amenities a priority if you want your multi-family residential building to be successful.

In 2022 more people with children are now choosing to lease an apartment rather than purchasing it. Hence, having a real family-friendly apartment community could be a big distinction in tenant retention.

We know now you must be thinking about how you could choose these amenities that can serve a group of people most developers don’t even think about. Well, don’t worry because today, we have many of the family-friendly amenities your apartment complex must have.

On-Site Daycare

The first family-oriented amenity your apartment building needs is childcare. This can be a crucial differentiator for "family-friendly" projects. Finding decent childcare near home is one of the most pressing challenges for families.

Having a daycare on-site in your community addresses numerous challenges for working parents and could be a massive advantage to your residents.

On-Demand Babysitting

Another game changer that can impact the scope of your project's success is having on-demand babysitters. You can set up a "portal" for your tenants to utilize to obtain childcare, dog walking, and other services.

It also ensures that babysitters or visitors to your community are vetted before arriving. They are experienced, qualified, and, most importantly, competent for their job. This value-added family-friendly amenity can be a prominent feature of your unique marketing approach.


A well-equipped and active playground is another family-oriented amenity an apartment complex needs. Make an indoor playground equipped with slides, jungle gyms, monkey bars, and other attractions.

Consider McDonald's integration of playgrounds into its restaurants. Whatever the size, simply having a place for children to run around and parents to relax in a secure and enjoyable atmosphere is valuable.

Apartment Buildings In New York, NY

People's living preferences in 2022 are swiftly changing. So, if you do not want to be an owner who becomes irrelevant, then we believe you should contact the professionals at Milbrook Properties for availabilities in our residential buildings.


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